Ausroad Stemming Truck

More than twice the speed: Ausroad offers a better stemming solution


A large mining and resources company was seeking to improve efficiency and safety by reducing manual handling during their stemming process. Their system involved much room for error. The previously used front-end loaders required multiple trips back and forth to stem holes. With explosives already loaded in holes awaiting stemming, and denotation cords extending from the collar of those holes, the excessive vehicle movements were increasing the risk of dangerous and expensive misfires. They needed a better way to get the job done.


We designed a purpose-built Stemming Truck to specifically meet the carrying capacity of the trucks this client already used. The truck significantly reduced the risk of misfire, as there were far fewer vehicle movements, more accurate control in stemming placement and consequently less chance of running over the detonating cords.


According to statistics provided by this client, they can now successfully stem more than 40 holes with 26 tonnes of stemming within 15 minutes. Overall, this has resulted in 60 per cent less time spent completing each production area. Additionally, with fewer vehicle movements and manual handling, the safety of the process has vastly improved. Following the successful delivery of this client’s first, purpose-built Ausroad Stemming Truck, the client has since ordered an additional four trucks.